Garage Murals


Garage Murals *

2021 - Present

If you have a garage, these are perfect spots for fun murals! Though, the paint does make it hard for me to pull the door up…

It started with a painting of Marceline the vampire queen, from the TV show Adventure Time.

In the winter of that year, I made her seasonal, even though it doesn't snow here.

Then I did a response to Roe v. Wade under threat. Good lot that did. Anyway, I know the coat hanger imagery is looked down on in some reproductive justice spaces, but this image really resonates with older generations, many of whom walked by and shared their stories with me because of this mural. It was really powerful for them to see this image of solidarity in the community, and I really appreciated their stories and dedication to fighting for the right and access to reproductive health care, such as abortion.  

I did another response when the protections provided by Roe v. Wade were overturned. So in came Lemongrab (another character from Adventure Time). My neighbors also seemed to appreciate this, especially the younger ones who recognized Lemongrab.

At least one neighbor did not appreciate Lemongrab and reported me to the City, hence the ghost mural.