Website Updates
I’ll try to make this as boring as possible.
Added a bunch of new stuff I created in the last few weeks to Tulip
Added some new stuff and stuff that overlaps with Tulip to Try to Smile. The narrative continues to develop and the Tulip and Try to Smile series continue to merge. In a world that exists after humans and toxic pollution, animals and inanimate objects start to mutate and become humanoid. Tulip, the flower spirit that serves to remind us (present-day humans) about the planet we’ve paved over, explores its environment and tries to find peace and a better way to move forward. Along that journey they encounter Bun, formerly a rabbit who spent its days seething at the waste polluting its home, body, and mind. Fortunately and unfortunately, there are no humans left to forgive.
Added some stuff I forgot about to the God Girl section
Added some limited photos of a new food zine to Miscellaneous. You will be able to find this zine at Atrium 916 in Old Sacramento after January.
Fixed broken images (thanks, Trina)
Deleted my social media apps and am LOVING it. This is just like how it felt to go from conceptually understanding how sugar is bad to actually feeling how sugar affects my body.